
Select a plan that fits your needs

Limited-Time Offer!


Ideal for bootstrappers and small businesses who want accounting support. 

  • $249/ mo
  • Up to $10,000 monthly expenses
  • Accurate bookkeeping
  • Financial statements
  • Notifications on filing
  • Access to discounts
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Ideal for small businesses transitioning from doing their own books.

  • $399/ mo
  • Up to $25,000 monthly expenses
  • Accurate bookkeeping
  • Financial Statements
    Here is a message to help explain the content.
  • Notifications on filing
  • Access to discounts


Ideal for growing businesses that need additional capacity and support.

  • $599/ mo
  • $25,000-$100,000 monthly expenses
  • Accurate bookkeeping
  • Financial Statements
  • Notifications on filing
    Here is a message to help explain the content.
  • Access to discounts
All Plans include:
Secure Service
Tax Discounts
A Dedicated Bookkeeper
Software Setup
5+ Account Connections
Emailed Monthly Reports

How it Works

Starting with Bookmate is easy

“Bookmate allows me to put my finances on autopilot. All I do is open my monthly statements and I know where I stand.”
Mia Herrman
Founder, Designify
“We use Bookmate because we need the numbers done right the first time. In this industry, experience matters.”
Mona Reddy
“My Bookmate account manager is very responsive, I know she will get me the answers I need, and quickly."
Oliver Harris
CEO, PollPilot Inc.

We integrate with global financial companies

The Bookmate guarantee

No-risk free trial
After a month you can walk away no questions asked
100% Accuracy
100% accurate bookkeeping by real experienced professionals
Your bookkeeper will begin onboarding immediately
Customer service
Your Bookmate team will always reply within 24 hours
Your business partner
We will always keep you up to date on required filings
Fully compliant
Rest assured knowing your books follow tax & accounting laws

Still have questions?

We have answers. Schedule a free consultation call to learn more!
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Common Questions

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